2020 Estimated Tax Due Dates
A list of estimated tax due dates for the 2020 tax year including information about how to file them.
Estimated taxes is a method to pay tax on business income that is not subject to withholding. This income includes earnings from self-employment, dividends, interest, rents, and alimony. Estimated taxes is a tax payment method that allows taxpayers to pay their taxes throughout the year. Estimated taxes can be paid electronically.
Throughout the 2020 tax year, estimated tax installment due dates are:
- April 18, 2020
- June 15, 2020
- September 15, 2020
- January 15, 2021
Avoid estimated tax late payments by scheduling estimated taxes for Form 1040 or 1040-SR in advance. Schedule payments up to 365 days in advance through EFTPS.gov. Learn more about this in IRS Publication 966.
About Falcon Expenses
Falcon Expenses is a top-rated expense and mileage tracker app for self-employed and small businesses to track expenses and tax deductions. Falcon customers record $6,600, on average, in annual tax deductions. Get started today. The longer you wait, the more tax deductions you miss.
Learn how employees and contractors can effortlessly track mileage expenses with Falcon Expenses mobile solution for mileage expense tracking.
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Falcon Expenses is free to download. If you’re on a desktop it’s best to use your iPhone and search for Falcon Expenses on the app store.
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