Contribute to Falcon’s Blog

Want to write for the Falcon blog?

We would love to share your content with our audience. 

Falcon Expenses blog is an active daily resource for self-employed, freelancers, realtors, contractors, small businesses, and much more. 

We are always interested in receiving article contributions. 

Falcon’s blog publishes content that adds value to these audiences:

  • Self-employed
  • Small businesses
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Realtors
  • Delivery drivers

Falcon’s blog provides tips, advice, resources, and any valuable content for the above-mentioned audiences. In addition, Falcon’s blog provides valuable and informative tax and accounting content for our audiences. We would love to have you write for us and to share your creations with our audience. 

To submit contributions fill out the form below or email us at:

Please note that we review each article contribution and take into consideration if it will be valuable to our audience. So we apologize in advance if we were not able to contribute yours. However, please do send us your ideas, we are always happy to collaborate.

We are also open to contributing our content to other blogs and sites. So if you feel there is a good fit, let us know, we would love to work with you.

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